Vdeos on alternative natuiropathic holistic medicine kabbalah healing Videos on Alternative medicine the joe cell the moe-joe healing alternative medicine David House Productions Home kabbalah healing
Moshe Daniel speaks to a room full of medical doctors about alternative medicine kabbalah healing kabbalah healing kabbalah healing
moe-joe cell videos kabbalah healing
kabbalah healing kabbalah healing kabbalah healing
kabbalah healing Kabbalah videos commentary kabbalah healing Moshe Daniel's Commentary and Critique about the movie The Secret kabbalah healing
kabbalah healing holistic medicine moshe daniel astrogical healing astrology moe joe cell healing astrology kabbalah
Moe-Joe cell
Sphinx Sphere
alternative Energy
healing chamber
Music Videos
alternative medicine
Astrology Series

All Videos are Collective Copyrighted ©© by Moshe Daniel 2007-2008

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Videos on Naturopathic Medicine/ Holistic Medicine

Moshe Daniel Speaks to room full od medical doctors at McGill University

Watch Moshe Daniel address a group of medical doctors at McGill University about alternative medicine and healing myasthenia gravis.

April 2005

note: Slides for these similar lectures can be viewed here, at the bottom of page.

The Great health debate alternative versus conventional medicine which is more effective?

Watch Moshe Daniel debate with Dr. Joe Schwarcz about the effectiveness of alternative / holistic medicine vs. Conventional medicine.

November 2008

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Moshe Daniel's Astrology Series



PART 1 of Astrology Series

Music and Astrology

In Part 1 of This series on Astrology, Moshe Daniel shares some very exciting and inspiring relationships between music and astrology, demonstrating how the angle between two planets literally creates a musical note, which shares the same characteristics as the known natures of the astrological aspects (trine, opposition, square, quincunx).

December 18th, 2008

Astrology new and special grand trines

PART 2 of Astrology Series

New and Special Grand Trines

In Part 2 of This series on Astrology, Moshe Daniel shares some New and Special forms of the Grand Trines - Esoteric and Exalted Grand Trines (his astrological neologism terminology) and discusses some possible attributes these would give to a person.

December 19th, 2008


The Legend of Psyche and Eros Astrological Tale

Part 3A

PART 3 of Astrology Series

The Legend of Psyche and Eros

In Part 3A of This series on Astrology, Moshe Daniel demonstrates how profoundly astrology can reflect magical, mystical mythologies and archetypes in our lives, and how the 'Psyche and Eros' grand trine in his chart, has taught him the greatest lessons on Love.

December 20th, 2008


astrology venus mother of eros

Part 3B

The Exalted Grand Trine of Venus

In this video, Moshe Daniel goes even further to demonstrate how profoundly astrology can tell tales of epic proportions, with clear archetypes, that manifest in our lives - and in particular, in this episode, Moshe discusses the relationship he has with his friend Jayni, and what goddess archetype she resonates with and embodies in their relationship.

December 26th, 2008


In Part 4A of this astrology series, Moshe Daniel reveals secrets and mysteries that are portrayed in the cosmos - and discusses the mysteries of John's book of Revelations and the Book of Ezekiel and how these sacred secrets reveal the nature of the Creator in the stars and astrology. More accompanying information can be listened to at http://www.heart78.com and from www.david-house-productions.com/ and follow links to alternative energy and the Sphinx Sphere.

Part 4A

PART 4 of Astrology Series

The Mystery of the Galactic Heart Centaur

In Part 4A and Part 4B of this astrology series, Moshe Daniel reveals secrets and mysteries that are portrayed in the cosmos - and discusses the mysteries of John's book of Revelations and the Book of Ezekiel and how these sacred secrets reveal the nature of the Creator in the stars and astrology. More accompanying information can be listened to at http://www.heart78.com and obtained from the Sphinx Sphere Page.

December 23rd, 2008

Astrology homeopathy alchemy the philosopher's stone

Part 4B


Astrology Knights Templar Ark of the Covenant King Solomon's Temple and the Head of Medusa

Part 5A

PART 5 of Astrology Series

The Secret Mysteries Linking the Knight's Templar, The Ark of the Covenant, The Temple of King Solomon and the Head of Medusa

In this video of Moshe Daniel's astrology series, Moshe looks back into history to reveal information that is not well known - the link between the Knights Templar, the Ark of the Covenant, King Solomon, and the most powerful star in the sky.

December 24th, 2008

Astrology_series_part_5B_The Knights_Templar_The_Ark_of_the_Covenant_Medusa

Part 5B

January 2nd , 2009

Astrology_series_part_5C_The Knights_Templar_The_Ark_of_the_Covenant_Medusa

Part C

January 2nd , 2009


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Videos on Alternative / Free Energy / Over Unity

Bedini School Girl Project Over unity Solid state

Bedini School Girl Project Over Unity - Free Energy Perpetual motion

In this video, we see three stages of the Bedini School Girl project. In part 1, we see a solid state modification on the original School Girl project - creating much more radiant energy and high voltage spikes than in the normal Bedini School Girl Project. In part 2, we see the wheel spinning with magnets actually interferes with the radiant energy production, and in part 3, just pure successful fully operational, over-unity perpetual motion Bedini School Girl Project.

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Moe-Joe cell videos

Moe joe Cell Car Installation Video


Moe Joe Exploded View Video




Moe Joe Cell Charging Vat Installation Video

This video demonstrates how to mount the Moe-Joe cell charging kits 1, 2 into a glass container, and how to prepare the container.

Moe Joe cell stage 3 very charged water

This video demonstrates how the water in Moe-Joe cell charging kit will appear when the water is highly charged.


Moe Joe Cell Car Installation


This Video Contains instructions on how to assemble the Moe-Joe Cell and Install into the Car via VACUUM intake, and also demonstrates how to get under the car and locate the catalytic converter and the O2 sensors. (note: in this video, we chose a method we are no longer employing the use of - We hooked the two rear O2 sensors together and then we also hooked up the front two O2 sensors together - Now, we are only taking the signal wire from the front O2 sensors and we are using each front O2 sensor individually to send to the O2 sensor wires in the Cell Guardian.


Moe-Joe Cell Assembly Video


Moe-Joe Cell Instructional Assembly Video (for Kits 1 and 2)

Moe-Joe cell car assembly video

Moe-Joe Assembly and Installation Video (for Kits 4)

Archived Moe-Joe videos below

How to Assemble and build the Moe-Joe cell

How to Assemble and Build the Moe-Joe

Moe-Joe Cell 3 hydrogen cell

Demonstration of the Moe-Joe in action - this is a new Moe-Joe cell design, with only 3 spheres, and completely non-magnetic.


Moe-Joe cell stage 3

Demonstration of the Moe-Joe in action - this is the older design, though it is assembled better, and this stainless steel is slightly magnetic.

Moe-Joe Cell function

check out this video demonstrating a clear Figure 8 pattern immerging after a filtering with blue shop towels by Kimberly-Waverly


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Sphinx Sphere Videos - Alchemical Enhanced Moe-Joe Cell with Precious Metals

Sphinx Sphere Video part 1

Sphinx Sphere Video part I

Sphinx Sphere Video part 2

Sphinx Sphere Video part II

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The Positive Plague unbalanced Positive

The Positive PLague

Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

each part is 10 minutes long

Join Moshe Daniel, Naturopathic Doctor, Alchemist, Kabbalist, Author, as he discusses a problem that has become widespread in the New Age community - the Problem of 'New Age Bull' and the Unbalanced Positive, which he calls 'The Positive Plague.'
There are a couple of images used in this video - They can be downloaded here -

Video Commentary on The Secret

The Secret Critique and Commentary by Moshe Daniel Block Video

Have you heard of the movie called The Secret that has swept across the world, creating a lot of hype and buzz? The Secret is a wonderful movie sharing a powerful message about "The Law of Attraction" that is very helpful to empower a person's life. Yet is The Secret a well-balanced movie of absolute truth? Or are there some fundamental problems in the philosophy shared in The Secret?

Join Moshe Daniel Block, kabbalist, author & naturopathic doctor, as he offers praise for the aspects of the Secret that he found to be truthful, and listen to him discuss where he found imbalances in this popular movie - The Secret.

Watch Critique of the movie The Secret by Moshe Daniel Block

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Moshe Daniel's PSalngs of Solomon Music Videos

coming soon.

Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen Music Video by Moshe Daniel

Leonard's Hallelujah

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Moshe Daniel's Healing Chambers

The Galactic Heart chamber Moshe Daniel's Healing Chamber

Moshe Daniel's New and Improved Healing Chamber called

The Galactic Heart Chamber Part 1

This is Moshe Daniel's original healing chamber.


All Videos are Collective Copyrighted ©© by Moshe Daniel 2007-2010