Sphinx Artwork by Moshe Daniel©©

Sphinx Artwork by Moshe Daniel


In this artwork, giving ©redit where ©redit is due.

Sagittarius artwork (coming out of the stargate) > Sagittarius the Archer by Joe Tucciarone from Novaspace.com

The Dark Wings and the Two Moons, hands pointing up and the dark horns is part of Baphomet > The 19th century image of Baphomet, created by Eliphas Lévi.

The bull's legs and the horns of the bull taken from this artwork - http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~tgd2/bull-3-large.jpg (artist unknown) which very much resembles the Charging Bull (sometimes called the Wall Street Bull or the Bowling Green Bull) by Di Modica




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